ACHTUNG: Das Overlay Plugin funktioniert ab Teamspeak Version 3.0.14 nicht mehr! Mehr dazu hier: Das alte Teamspeak Overlay Plugin in Gang setzen Das Teamspeak Overlay Plugin einrichten. Erst mal musst du das Teil starten. Dazu gehe einfach auf Einstellungen -> Plugins und setze den Haken bei Teamspeak3Overlay.

* Now Teamspeak 3 overlay plugins are in two versions - for TS3 client beta 9 (or less) and for TS3 client beta 11. Read more here: Teamspeak 3 overlays; Version 1.8 build 754 - Jan 18,2010 * Added overlay font and size selection; * Added ability to show umlauts, cyrillic characters in overlays; TeamSpeak 3 Overlay plugin v3.8.23 with TeamSpeak 3 v3.0.14 and swtor.exe crashing Bug Reports "Teamspeak 3 Overlay is a plugin for Teamspeak that allows you to see the members of your current TS3 channel within your DirectX Games." 2. Teamspeak 3 integrated in Steam Overlay Dear Community, while I was playing Matchmaking on CS:GO or some other Online-Shooter I had the Idea of integrating TeamSpeak in Steam Overlay so you can join a server or do something if you open the overlay. === Client Release 3.0.12 09 Sep 2013 + + * Removed the overlay plugin from TeamSpeak installer and autoupdate, so future updates to the overlay plugin no longer

Feb 03, 2012 · Use the Overlay Feature A plug-in that comes pre-installed with TeamSpeak 3 is the DirectX Overlay Plugin. This handy tool allows you to keep track of who’s talking in TeamSpeak without having to alt-tab over from your current game. A handy overlay will keep you updated on who’s talking within the screen you’re presently viewing.

TS3 Overlay: Tools & Plugins für Overlay mit Teamspeak 3 Vorwort. Teamspeak Overlay ist der Oberbegriff für Tools, mit denen ihr Ingame (während ihr im Spiel seit) sehen könnt, welche Personen sich im Channel aufhalten und wer aktuell spricht. Normalerweise geht das ja nur, wenn z.B. per ALT+Tab oder Task-Manager das Fenster des Teamspeak 3 PlayClaw 6 overlay - myTeamSpeak Mar 20, 2018

Apr 16, 2012

**HELP** TeamSpeak3 Overlay Plugin Missing - TeamSpeak Sep 28, 2013 Get the official TeamSpeak Overlay, by Overwolf